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M. Aparicio Puerta,
"Actitudes hacia la discapacidad en educación infantil: diseño y validación de instrumentos para la investigación", 2024
L. Ávila-Zurita
M.T. Polo Sánchez,
"Adaptación y aplicación del cuento tradicional como herramienta para fomentar actitudes positivas hacia la discapacidad visual en Educación Infantil", Revista de Educación Inclusiva, vol.16
, 42-54, 2023
M. Aparicio Puerta, M.T. Polo Sánchez, A. Fernandez Castillo
J.M. Contreras García,
"Adaptation and validation of an instrument for the evaluation of attitudes towards disability in early childhood education", European Early Childhood Education Research Journal
, 1-12, 2023
M. Aparicio Puerta
M.T. Polo Sánchez,
"An insight into the attitudes held by four- to six-year-olds toward people with disabilities: Ideas, feelings, and behaviours", International Journal of Special Education, vol.38
, 34-44, 2023
M. Aparicio Puerta
M.T. Polo Sánchez,
"Attitudes Toward Disability in Early Childhood Education: A Methodological Review", Exceptionality (Online), vol.31
, 241-257, 2023
M.T. Polo Sánchez
M. Aparicio Puerta,
"Perceptions of university students with disabilities in Spain: Ideas and beliefs about attitudes towards their inclusion", Disability & Society, vol.38
, 1435-1450, 2023
J.M. Rodriguez-Ferrer, A. Manzano-León, C. Fernandez Jimenez, A. Luque-De La Rosa, J.M. Fernández-Campoy
J.M. Aguilar-Parra,
"Shall we play together? Game-based learning for engagement and classroom climate in Spanish socially deprived communities", Frontiers in Psychology, vol.14
, 1-9, 2023
J.M. Rodriguez-Ferrer, A. Manzano-León, A.J. Cangas-Diaz, J.M. Aguilar-Parra, C. Fernandez Jimenez, J.M. Fernández-Campoy, A. Luque-De La Rosa
A.M. Martínez -Martínez,
"Acquisition of Learning and Empathy Towards Patients in Nursing Students Through Online Escape Room: An Exploratory Qualitative Study", Psychology Research and Behavior Management, vol.15
, 103-110, 2022
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024